
  • Common Fibre Cement Installation Mistakes to Avoid

    Many homeowners opt to install fibre cement siding when they are renovating their homes. But some of those homeowners make costly mistakes during such DIY installation projects, which leads to poor results. Below are major mistakes that you should avoid making when you are installing fibre cement siding on the exterior of your home. Nailing Mistakes Some homeowners make the mistake of placing nails very close to the bottoms or edges of the siding.
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  • Symptoms of Hail Damage on Your Roofing

    When it comes to roof damage, the most common form that homeowners pay particular attention is water damage, which is unsurprising considering that precipitation can cause a host of conditions ranging from corrosion, decay and more. Nevertheless, this does not mean that hail damage is not a serious concern too. Spotting the signs of damage can mean the difference between minor repairs and entire replacement. So what are some of the symptoms of hail damage to be wary of?
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  • Answering Your Questions About Timber Framing for a Home

    Timber frames refer to a home's framework being made from very large, solid timber beams as opposed to smaller studs. Very often this timber framing is left exposed so that the home has a rustic look, but it can also be covered with standard drywall and other such materials. If you're having a new home built, and are wondering if timber framing is a good choice for its overall structure, note a few questions you might have about this material, and this can help you decide if it's the right choice for you.
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  • Time to Choose a Roofing Product for Your Home?

    With a whole raft of roofing products being offered out there, deciding which type of roof to put up on your house can be rather overwhelming. But with the right information and budget, choosing a roof that's suited to your home shouldn't be a big problem.  Here are a number of key things to ponder over when choosing roofing material for your home: Cost involved. Roofing products come in different prices.
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  • Factors to Consider Before Using Protecting Coatings on Your Roof

    A building's roofing system is a costly investment and an integral part if the structure, and it is essential to protect it and optimize its functionality. One of the best ways to achieve this is by applying protective roof coatings to it. Roof coatings are membranes that are applied to a roof's surface and the surrounding fixtures to seal, waterproof, and protect them from inclement weather. Before applying these coatings, it is essential to consider the following factors which will help in maximizing the performance of the coatings.
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  • Problems Your Roof Is At Risk of During the Winter

    Australia may be known for favourable weather, but the winters can be quite severe. Since your roof is the primary defence against the elements, not only would the increase in precipitation accelerate the rate at which your roofing materials deteriorate, but the freeze and thaw cycles of snow and ice can also end up causing permanent damage to your roof. The trick to minimising your roof repairs would be knowing what winter weather does to your roof and proactively trying to prevent irreparable harm.
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  • Signs That Roof Renewal Services Are Necessary

    If you've purchased an older home, roof repairs and replacement are services that you will likely require in the future. Therefore, it would be advisable to know how to spot the signs of advancing deterioration and have it remedied before your primary structure becomes at risk of disintegration too. Below are telltale signs that roof renewal services are imminent.  The onset of watermarks inside your residence When your roof has begun succumbing to leaks, one of the first signs that you will notice is watermarks developing indoors.
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  • Why Metal May Be a Good Choice for Your Roof Replacement

    Sometimes, mother nature can play a number on your plans and provide you with some unexpected costs. Consequently, if you were unlucky enough to sustain significant damage during one of the recent storms, you may be in the market for a replacement on your home. Why should you expand your thought process and consider fitting a metal alternative instead? A Variety of Choices Metal roofing is certainly sturdy and come in a number of different configurations.
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  • Three Crucial Guidelines for Preserving Metal Roofing and Prolonging Its Lifespan

    Metals such as galvanised steel, stainless steel and copper are structurally resilient, mechanically stable and highly durable. Therefore, roofing systems fabricated from these materials will provide service long after installation. However, the specific duration over which these structures will function optimally will depend on your maintenance practices. In simple terms, if your metal roofing is neglected or treated poorly, you will notice significant signs of failure before the predicted end of its lifespan.
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